Jeremy Masters, ‘ “Mr Ayliffe, Surgeon” and “This Ingenious Lady”: Uncovering the Origins of Thomas Hamilton Ayliffe and Elizabeth, the Countess of Egremont’ (2015)
Jeremy Masters, ‘Frances Meade (née Ilive) (c 1758 – 1823)’ (2022)
Jeremy Masters, ‘Isaack Ilive (c 1615 – 1699)’ (2023)
Cecilia Hamilton Wyndham Hill, ‘Statement of Facts Re Thomas Hamilton (Called Ilive–Afterwards Ayliffe) and His Family, the Late Earl of Egremont, and the Wyndham-Ilive Family’ (1889)
Cecilia Hamilton Wyndham Hill, ‘Facts, Not Fancies. By One of the Race. Auliffe–O’Neill–Ayliffe’ (1899)
See also Jeremy Masters, ‘Abraham Ilive and All-Alive and Merry’ (2017) 64 Notes and Queries 483-5